Wednesday, January 13, 2021

My Favorite News Sources



            I have a passion for sports, and when I need to know what is happening in the sports world, ESPN is the place to go.  You can get news, articles, and the most recent headlines by visiting the ESPN website or downloading the app.  It is also the right place for checking the box score of a current game that might be happening.  ESPN is the number one website for sports in the world, and it just happens to be my favorite.


2.  Bleacher report is where I get my news for my favorite teams.  There are articles about everything sports related, but the problem is some of the author's opinions on certain things are not popular.  For example, if there is an article about some sample trades that could happen in the NBA, some of these trades are never going to happen because of how unfair they are.

3. CNN is my favorite news source when it comes to the latest occurrences in the world.  I agree with most of what they say on CNN because it is the democratic side of news.  

4. Going back to sports news sources, Sports illustrated also has some good articles.  They have articles based on recent news and older news as well.

5. Lastly, I would put the Players tribune as a great website.  It is for players to come out and talk about their lives, mostly being the rough part of their lives.  For example, there is a great article that Kyle Korver wrote about white privilege and racism. Kyle Korver is a white NBA player, so it was a different prospective coming from him.  There is also an article that Kevin Love wrote about how he suffered from mental illness.  I like the Players Tribune because we get to hear from the players we watch on TV.

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