Thursday, April 29, 2021

Final Post


    I believe that even though there are some negative aspects of technology, I have not had many problems with my devices.  There are times I can be on my phone too much, or watching TV for too long, but I like to keep a balance between being active and being on technology.  I am not that person that can play a video game for multiple hours without leaving my bed or chair because I would get antsy after probably an hour and then want to do something active.  
    Technology can also be unreliable.  For example if I want information on something sports related like a big trade that some page on instagram posted, the first thing I do is check the source that they found that information is from to see if it is credible.  If it is I believe it, and if it is not then I wait for more information about the possible trade to be posted on other pages by other sources.  
    I would say technology definitely is a positive part of their lives.  My parents do not have social media, and they mostly are just on their phone or computer for work purposes.  We are also usually late to purchase new technologies.  For example, we still have a landline in our house, which I believe a lot of people do not use anymore.  My brother is not deeply invested in social media either, and he pretty much just uses Instagram for his sports page and anything else technology related to be updated on the latest sports news.
    Overall, technology has obviously changed the world, and there are pros and cons to it.  Some people are too invested and obsessed with their social media presence, while others do not even have social media.  Yet, without technology we would still be relying on the daily newspaper as our news source and there would not be as many ways to be entertained as there are today.  Technology has evolved over the years and the newest ideas and inventions are only getting crazier and more extraordinary.

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Final Post

          I believe that even though there are some negative aspects of technology, I have not had many problems with my devices.  There are...