Monday, April 26, 2021

Privacy Post


    The TED talk presented by Catherine Crump was very interesting.  She mentioned that the Government can track you based on your location, which is something they used to not be able to do, but modern technology helped them gain the ability to do so.  This helps the government learn a lot of personal information about you.  She also said that this can make the police stereotype you based on where you go, which I found pretty interesting.  
    The next TED talk I listened to was Christopher Soghoian's presentation on Surveillance.  He says that the phone companies give the government the ability to listen to our calls, and that the phones we use to call our friends and families with were made for surveillance purposes first.   Although, he does mention that Apple and other companies such as WhatsApp do a very good job in keeping what you do on your iPhone private, and difficult for people to hack, read or listen to your conversations.  This is also making Government officials angry because they believe they should be allowed to listen and see the conversations citizens have on their phones, which in my opinion is ridiculous because we should be able to keep what we do on our phones private.  Why should I have to be concerned about the government listening to all of my conversations, especially when I have never done anything wrong or illegal before.  I am a little relieved to know that companies such as Apple understand privacy and use encryption tools to prevent the government from knowing everything about me.

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