Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Alternative Media


       Alternative Media are forms of media that differ from the current mainstream, whether it be content, distribution or format.  Alternative media can be digital, print, audio, video etc.   There are many alternative media sources in the world, but there is not one that I have heard of before.

        The Corbett Report is an independent, listener-supported alternative news source.  They make podcasts, interviews, articles and videos about breaking news and important issues.   Other alternative media sources include Zero Hedge, The Enoch Times, Speed The Shift News and Intellectual Takeout.

Sunday, February 7, 2021

Speech Theories Post


The eight values of free expression are marketplace of ideas, participation of self government, stable change, individual fulfillment, check on governmental power, promote tolerance, promote innovation and protect dissent.  I believe that the fifth and eighth values of free expression are the most important.  I think this because we have the right to speak out against the government, especially if they are doing something unconstitutional.  One example of why US citizens should be allowed to criticize the government is the way they treated Australian news reporter Julian Assange.  They arrested him because he witnessed American Soldiers killing innocent people in the Middle East, and has been in prison for many years because he called the government out because of the killings of these innocent people.  In my opinion this should not be allowed, and I am surprised that such a little amount of Americans know about Julian Assange.  We really need to speak out against the government if they are doing stuff like this, especially if it keeps happening!

Antiwar articles post


    I think that the main reasoning behind citizens having to do a lot of research to find these antiwar websites that no one really knows much about is because the government does not want us to see these websites.  They want these websites to be unknown, so it is probably more difficult to find these antiwar articles on google and other web browsers.  I believe that this is unfair because everyone should have the right to research what they want to research, unless it is something terrible like how to make a bomb.  These antiwar websites should not be difficult to research, as we have the right to look up antiwar websites.

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Twitter Blog Post EOTO


    Twitter was founded in 2006 by co-founder Jack Dorsey.  It originally was imagined as a SMS based communications platform where friends could be in touch with each other.  When Dorsey proposed Twitter to podcast company Odeo, Odeo's co founders, Evan Williams and Biz Stone, gave Dorsey the go ahead to further develop Twitter.  Twitter used to be named twttr.  Software developer Noah Glass made the name twttr and eventually developed it into Twitter.  Dorsey, Williams and Stone bought Twitter back from their investors after it was going through a rough patch.  Apple's release of its own podcasting platform was a reason why Twitter was going through a rough patch.

    At the South by Southwest interactive conference, there was a major amount of Twitter usage.  In fact there were over 60,000 tweets that were sent just that day at the event.

    In 2016 Twitter expanded the maximum length of videos posted to the service from 30 seconds to 140 seconds.  Also in 2016, Twitter shared 600 hours of live video and had 31 million viewers.  Millions of people went to Twitter during the Presidential debates, election and 2017 inauguration.  They also have partnerships with the NFL, Disney channel and Buzzfeed.  

    There are some pros and cons when it comes to Twitter as well.  Some pros are you can receive the latest news quickly, Twitter gives your business free publicity, there are no political ads and Twitter is a great platform for free speech and self expression.  A couple cons are fake accounts are a problem and people rarely every buy directly on or from Twitter.,with%20depressi%20...%20%205%20more%20rows%20 

Monday, February 1, 2021

BLM News Article


Just over the weekend a monument in Charleston, South Carolina was vandalized.  It is a confederate monument and someone wrote Black Lives Matter in red paint on the statue.  This is an example of an action that is unprotected by the First Amendment.  If someone were to say Black Lives Matter and have a peaceful protest, like most of what occurred during the summer it would be a speech protected by the First Amendment.  Vandalizing a statue with the words Black Lives Matter is an unprotected action because it is illegal to vandalize statues, even though it could be seen as a racist one.

Final Post

          I believe that even though there are some negative aspects of technology, I have not had many problems with my devices.  There are...